Καλημέρα x 2

«Νομίζω το να μη στερέψω. Και να μη γίνω αδιάφορη και παθητική. Δεν θα 'θελα να το αφήσω να συμβεί αυτό. Να μείνω δηλαδή χωρίς τίποτα να παλεύω». Η Polly Jean Harvey για το ποιος είναι ο μεγαλύτερος φόβος της
PJ Harvey – C’mon Billy
C’mon Billy
Come to me
You know I’m waiting
I love you endlessly
C’mon Billy
You’re the only one
Don’t you think it’s time now
You met your only son
I remember
Lover’s play
The corn was golden
We lay in it for days
I remember
The things you said
My little Billy,
Come to your lover’s bed
Come home
Is my plea
Your home now is
Here with me
Come home
To your son
Tomorrow might never come
C’mon Billy
You look good to me
How many nights now
Your child inside of
Don’t forget me
I had your son
Damn thing went crazy
But I swear you’re the only one
Come along, Billy, come to me
Come along, Billy, come to me
Come along, Billy, come to me
Come along, Billy, come to me
Come along, Billy, come to me
Come along, Billy, come to me
Come along, Billy, come to me
Come along, Billy, come to me
PJ Harvey – Sheela-na-gig
I’ve been trying to show you over and over
Look at these, my child-bearing hips
Look at these, my ruby red ruby lips
Look at these my work strong arms and
You’ve got to see my bottle full of charm
I lay it all at your feet
You turn around and say back to me, “he said”
Sheela-na-gig, Sheela-na-gig
You exhibitionist
Sheela-na-gig, Sheela-na-gig
You exhibitionist
Gonna wash that man right out of my hair
Just like the first time, said he didn’t care
Gonna wash that man right out of my hair
Heard it before, no more
Gonna wash that man right out of my hair
Turn the corner, another one there
Gonna wash that man right out of my hair
Heard it before, he said
Sheela-na-gig, Sheela-na-gig
You exhibitionist
Sheela-na-gig, Sheela-na-gig
You exhibitionist
Put money in your idle hole
Put money in your idle hole
Gonna wash that man right out of my hair
Just like the first time, said he didn’t care
Gonna wash that man right out of my hair
Heard it before, no more
Gonna take my hips to a man who cares
Turn the corner, another one there
Gonna take my hips to a man who cares
Heard it before, he said
Sheela-na-gig, sheela-na-gig
You exhibitionist
Sheela-na-gig, sheela-na-gig
You exhibitionist
Put money in your idle hole
Put money in your idle hole
He said “wash your breasts, I don’t want to be unclean”
He said “please take those dirty pillows away from me”
He said “wash your breasts, I don’t want to be unclean”
He said “please take those dirty pillows away from me”
He said “wash your breasts, I don’t want to be unclean”
He said “please take those dirty pillows away from me”
He said “wash your breasts, I don’t want to be unclean”
He said “please take those dirty pillows away from me”