
Φωτογραφία: Ayline Olukman
Είναι κακής ποιότητας μνήμη αυτή που δουλεύει μόνο προς τα πίσω...

Λιούις Κάρολ

Blonde Redhead – Where Your Mind Wants To Go (Ludovico Einaudi Version)

If you had and hour
Would you find the flower
Or a fruit that’s sour?
If you had an hour

Time is what you needing
(If I wake you you might feel too loud)
Love is what you seeding
(It’s where your mind wants to go)

Seeded to be wired
By your quite father
Or your dying mother

Everywhere you look for me
Clouded fields and misty stills
Everything falls in between

Are you not a dreamer?
Are you not a dreamer?

If you had the power
If I had the power
I would give you an hour

If it’s not me or you, then why?
If it’s not me or you, then why?
If it’s not me or you, then why?
If it’s not me or you, then why?