Καλημέρα, καλή εβδομάδα

Αυτό που είναι αρκετό για την ευτυχία μας, δεν αρκεί πάντα για την ευχαρίστησή μας... Ζακ Ντεβάλ
Blonde Redhead – Spain
My notebook says
I can’t take it anymore
The dancer says
He is the one to share my bed
I only know
When I look at you
Aren’t many men I feel I love
I don’t mean to flatter you
My sister says
No more calling you
It’s out of my hand
No more missing you
I only know
When I look at you
Aren’t many men I feel I love
I don’t mean to flatter you
I don’t care for making more
I just want the glazing eyes
I want us to share the wine
Let us share our blood and hearts
Let us share our blood and hearts
I stole your golden key
Tiptoed around and closed the door
I only want the love
Could give me back my modesty
I only know
When I look at you
There isn’t much I feel I need
I don’t mean to flatter you
I don’t care for having more
I just want the glazing eyes
I want us to share the wine
Let us share our blood and hearts
I just want the glazing eyes
Let us share our blood and hearts
Let us share our blood and hearts