Καλημέρα, καλή εβδομάδα

Δεν είναι τα λάθη μας που καθορίζουν ποιοι είμαστε. Είναι το πώς συνερχόμαστε απ’ αυτά τα λάθη... Μπο Μπένετ
Puressence – I Suppose
I suppose that I’m all right now
When all you ever gave was nothing
I suppose you taught me well now
When all I ever learned was something
I suppose that I’m all right now
I’m all right now and I suppose it
They suppose they taught me well now
You taught me hell now and no one knows it
All right now, all right now, all right now
There’s no horses left to bet on
And all your pretty purse is blown away
Someone shows me I’ve been stepped on
And now I’m left with nothing more to say
And I propose we’re not all right now
But I’m all right now, and I propose it
They suppose they taught me well now
You taught me hell now and no one knows it
You’re getting sucked in little by little
And I suppose you feel all right now, all right now, don’t feel
You’re getting shot down a little by little
And I suppose you feel all right now and no one knows it
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This Feeling
( I’ve got nothing and I feel fine)
(I’m right now, I’m right now)
Have you lost your feeling?
Have you lost your sense of breathing?
Have you gained that tainted feeling?
So, so cold
Someone poisoned what you’re eating
You’re getting shot down, you’re getting pushed in, a little by little
And I suppose you feel all right now, all right now, don’t feel
You’re getting shot down a little by little
And I suppose you feel all right now, all right now, don’t feel
You’re getting pushed in a little by little
And I’m all right now and no one knows it
And no one knows it, and no one knows it
And no one knows it, and no one knows it